Claim (#3766) Approved

2 February 2023, 02:11:25 EST (2 years ago)
2 February 2023, 08:48:59 EST (2 years ago) by solarseraphim


Hi! Sorry for the issue last time, I thought I linked the comment thread.
I purchased
- Common MYO Slot x1
and was also given these items
- Buttons x50
- Alien Upgrade x1
- Pot of Gold Companion x1
- Over the Rainbow x1

(Sorry, I don't know how to add an MYO slot to the rewards. I think it's because you're required to make a new character image for the slot).
Thank you kindly!


Reward Amount
Pot of Gold Companion 1
Over the Rainbow 1
Buttons 50



These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

araghosta's Bank

Currency Quantity