Site Sales
[Open] Sunny Swimmers - July Staff Sale!
Posted 8 months and 2 days ago :: Last edited 8 months and 1 day ago by yuewithluv
Auction: PD-1337 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Unique
Starting Bid: $70
Minimum Increment: $5
Auction: PD-1338 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Event
Starting Bid: $60
Minimum Increment: $5
Autobuy: $120
Comes with a Mini!
Howdy, Plushies! We hope you're enjoying summertime in Draelvary - these new pals certainly seem to be!
Why don't you take a dive and meet these lovely Plush Dragons looking for a new home to call their own?
PD-1337: Lively Lobster | Auction | SB: $70, no AB
PD-1338: Nifty Narwhal | Auction | SB: $60, AB: $120
AB comes with a mini of your Nifty Narwhal!
Please comment under the corresponding comment to bid, and be sure to reply to the highest bidder!
Please be aware, all of our auctions do implement a snipe guard, to prevent users from being unfairly sniped designs!
Auctions end 24 hours after the last bid, with a two hour snipe guard. Meaning that if someone bids within the last few minutes before the auction would have ended, it will automatically extend two hours to give a fair chance and to ensure designs aren't sniped out from under your nose!
All prices are in USD & members are required to follow both species and artist's T.O.S. upon purchase!
We hope you enjoy these sunny swimmers - and have a lovely rest of the month!
[Open] Oh My Gourd! September Staff Sale
Posted 2 years and 5 months ago :: Last edited 9 months and 2 weeks ago by solarseraphim
Flatsale: PD-848 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Event
Price: $60
Auction: PD-849 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Event
Starting Bid: $80
Minimum Increment: $5
Autobuy: $110
Good afternoon, Plushies! We sure hope you enjoyed your September, I know we sure did! Before Hauntober starts tomorrow, we have a sweet little Autumn-themed sale for you all! Our staff worked so hard to put these designs together just for you, so we really hope you'll see someone you want to take home!!
PD-846 - Autumn Breeze by Fucal - Auction
SB: $80 USD
(capless auction)
PD-847 - Bookish Buddy by yuewithluv -
PD-848 - Chipmunk Chatter by honeybee - Flatsale
$100 USD
PD-849 - Cozy Sweater by DearCervid - Auction
SB: $80 USD
AB: $110 USD
PD-850 - Friendly Scarecrow by GoopyHalos - Auction
SB: $80 USD
AB: $150 USD (w/ an add-on of a headshot drawing of the design + custom companion)
PD-851 - Pumpkin Spice Latte by Pyrolf - Auction
SB: $80
AB: $110 (comes with additional fullbody and themed companion)
Please comment on the corresponding comment chain for the design you're looking for, and please make sure you're replying to the highest bidder!
Please be aware, all of our auctions do implement a snipe guard, to prevent users from being unfairly sniped designs!
Auctions end 24 hours after the last bid, with a two hour snipe guard. Meaning that if someone bids within the last few minutes before the auction would have ended, it will automatically extend two hours to give a fair chance and to ensure designs aren't sniped out from under your nose!
If you’d like previews of designs, and pre-claims, certain tiers of our Pawtreon has that available for you, starting October 1st!
[Open] Nursery Crimes - October Staff Sale!
Posted 1 year and 5 months ago :: Last edited 11 months and 2 weeks ago by somniumseraph
Flatsale: PD-1162 ・ [Closed]
Plush Dragons ・ Special
Price: $100
Auction: PD-1163 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Unique
Starting Bid: $100
Minimum Increment: $5
Autobuy: $200
If AB, comes with 2 haunted MYO eggs!
The howling wind rushes through your hair as its cold touch sends an eerie feeling down your spine. You feel as though you’re being watched, but by who?
Ghostly greetings, plushies! October may be halfway over, but spooky season in Draelvary continues! Hauntober is on full swing, and with that we have a couple eerie new Plush Dragons looking for homes!
PD-1162: The 3 Little Pigs by Lunaire | Flatsale $100
PD-1163: The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs by Solarseraphim | SB: $100 MI: $5 AB: $200 (comes with 2 Haunted MYO eggs)
Please comment under the corresponding comment to bid, and be sure to reply to the highest bidder!
Please be aware, all of our auctions do implement a snipe guard, to prevent users from being unfairly sniped designs!
Auctions end 24 hours after the last bid, with a two hour snipe guard. Meaning that if someone bids within the last few minutes before the auction would have ended, it will automatically extend two hours to give a fair chance and to ensure designs aren't sniped out from under your nose!
[Open] Friendsgiving Feast - November Mod Sale
Posted 1 year and 4 months ago :: Last edited 11 months and 2 weeks ago by somniumseraph
Auction: PD-1192 ・ [Closed]
Plush Dragons ・ Event
Starting Bid: $70
Minimum Increment: $5
Autobuy: $120
AB comes with companion design!
Flatsale: PD-1193 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Unique
Price: $30
Auction: PD-1194 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Special
Starting Bid: $70
Minimum Increment: $5
Autobuy: $100
Auction: PD-1195 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Unique
Starting Bid: $70
Minimum Increment: $5

Please comment under corresponding comment to claim!
Please be aware, all of our auctions do implement a snipe guard, to prevent users from being unfairly sniped from designs!
Auctions end 24 hours after the last bid, with a two hour snipe guard. Meaning that if someone bids within the last few minutes before the auction would have ended, it will automatically extend two hours to give a fair chance and to ensure designs aren't sniped out from under your nose!
All prices are in USD & members are required to follow both species and artist's T.O.S. upon purchase!
[Open] Gingerthreads - December 2023 Mod Sale
Posted 1 year and 2 months ago :: Last edited 11 months and 2 weeks ago by somniumseraph
Flatsale: PD-1213 ・ [Closed]
Plush Dragons ・ Special
Price: $80.00
Flatsale: PD-1214 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Special
Price: $70
Auction: PD-1215 ・ [Closed]
Plush Dragons ・ Special
Starting Bid: $90.00
Minimum Increment: $5.00
Autobuy: $200.00
Comes with a Lineless Portrait if AB'd!
The air is chilly but the kitchen's cozy! The delicious scent of gingerbread dances around your nose as it welcomes you into the warmth, your eyes settling against three magnificently crafted gingerbread Plush Dragons. They're too cute to nibble, but perfect for a cuddle!
Please comment under corresponding comment to claim!
Please be aware, all of our auctions do implement a snipe guard, to prevent users from being unfairly sniped from designs!
Auctions end 24 hours after the last bid, with a two hour snipe guard. Meaning that if someone bids within the last few minutes before the auction would have ended, it will automatically extend two hours to give a fair chance and to ensure designs aren't sniped out from under your nose!
All prices are in USD & members are required to follow both species and artist's T.O.S. upon purchase!
[Open] Discount Sale!
Posted 2 years and 7 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 1 month ago by yuewithluv
Flatsale: PD-801 ・ [Closed]
Plush Dragons ・ Event
Price: $65
Flatsale: PD-645 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Event
Price: $60
Please read each sale carefully as some may still have their incentives.
[Open] Cryptid Crisis! October Staff Sale
Posted 2 years and 4 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 1 month ago by yuewithluv
Auction: PD-870 ・ [Closed]
Plush Dragons ・ Event
Starting Bid: $90.00
Minimum Increment: $5.00
Autobuy: $200.00
Comes with a headshot & custom companion if AB'd
Flatsale: PD-871 ・ [Closed]
Plush Dragons ・ Special
Price: $60
Comes with icon
Auction: PD-872 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Special
Starting Bid: $90.00
Minimum Increment: $5.00
Autobuy: $250.00
Comes with a sketch page if AB'd
Flatsale: PD-873 ・ [Closed]
Plush Dragons ・ Unique
Price: $80
Auction: PD-874 ・ [Closed]
Plush Dragons ・ Special
Starting Bid: $90.00
Minimum Increment: $5.00
Autobuy: $200.00
Comes with a pixel icon & custom companion if AB'd
PD-870 Fresno Nightcrawler by GoopyHalos | AB: $200 w/ headshot and custom companion
PD-871 Loch Ness Monster by Luneflowyr | Flatsale $90 comes with icon
PD-872 Dobhar-chu by Pyrolf | AB: $250 w/ sketch page
PD-873 Jersey Devil by Honeybee | Flatsale: $80
PD-874 El Chupacabra by Yuewithluv | AB: $200 w/ pixel icon and custom companion
Please comment on the corresponding comment chain for the design you're looking for, and please make sure you're replying to the highest bidder!
Please be aware, all of our auctions do implement a snipe guard, to prevent users from being unfairly sniped designs!
Auctions end 24 hours after the last bid, with a two hour snipe guard. Meaning that if someone bids within the last few minutes before the auction would have ended, it will automatically extend two hours to give a fair chance and to ensure designs aren't sniped out from under your nose!
If you’d like previews of designs, and pre-claims, certain tiers of our Pawtreon has that available for you!
[Open] February Staff Sale: Fairytale Frolic!
Posted 2 years and 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 year and 1 month ago by yuewithluv
Auction: PD-940 ・ [Closed]
Plush Dragons ・ Special
Starting Bid: $90
Minimum Increment: $5
Autobuy: $250
Comes with chibi of non-aquatic form if AB
Flatsale: PD-941 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Event
Price: $100
Flatsale: PD-942 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Unique
Price: $110
Auction: PD-943 ・ [Closed]
Plush Dragons ・ Event
Starting Bid: $90
Minimum Increment: $5
Autobuy: $250
Comes with additional headshot if AB
Flatsale: PD-944 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Special
Price: $100
Wisps of magic float freely through the air, wrapping around a strange looking storybook. You approach, curious but unsure, as a whimsical burst of sparkle explodes from the pages. Numbers of PDs slowly begin to appear through the fog of enchantment, each unique to a different story. Which book will you open?
Good Afternoon Plushies!
With the short month of February coming to an end, now comes our monthly staff sale! And this sale is as old as time.
The month of February was themed after Fairytales, so we have some Fairytale inspired Plush Dragons for you to hopefully bring home! Our staff worked very hard on these babies, and we hope you love them as much as we do!
The Beauty - Custom Sale by Luneflowyr | Flatsale $100
The Beast by Sunflowyr | Flatsale $100
The Little Mermaid by Yuewithluv | Auction- SB $90, AB $250 (comes with chibi of non-aquatic form)
Jest Jokin' Around by Ghosts | Flatsale $100
Puss in Boots by Goopyhalos | Auction- SB $90, AB $250 (comes with additional headshot)
Maleficent by Pyrolf | Flatsale $110
Please comment on the corresponding comment chain for the design you're looking for, and please make sure you're replying to the highest bidder!
Please be aware, all of our auctions do implement a snipe guard, to prevent users from being unfairly sniped from designs!
Auctions end 24 hours after the last bid, with a two hour snipe guard. Meaning that if someone bids within the last few minutes before the auction would have ended, it will automatically extend two hours to give a fair chance and to ensure designs aren't sniped out from under your nose!
If you’d like previews of designs, and pre-claims, certain tiers of our Pawtreon has that available for you!
[Open] Camp Cryptid - June Mod Sale
Posted 1 year and 8 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 8 months ago by yuewithluv
Auction: PD-1042 ・ [Closed]
Plush Dragons ・ Special
Starting Bid: $70
Minimum Increment: $5
Autobuy: $150
Flatsale: PD-1043 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Special
Price: $100
Hi there, Campers-- oops, I mean, Plushies!
I know you've all been having a blast at Camp Cryptid this month but.. oh no.. what's happening?! A couple of strange creatures seemed to have stalked up on your campsite! Don't worry, it's okay, they're friendly! We.. think?
PD-1042 Mothman by yuewithluv | SB: $70 USD & AB: $150 USD
PD-1043 Fabric Pedestrian by ghosts | Flatsale $100
PD-1044 Campfire Creature by sinsoliloquy | SOLD! Pre-claimed via Patreon
Maybe you should try approaching one, I think it wants to come home with you!
Please comment under corresponding comment to claim!
Please be aware, all of our auctions do implement a snipe guard, to prevent users from being unfairly sniped designs!
Auctions end 24 hours after the last bid, with a two hour snipe guard. Meaning that if someone bids within the last few minutes before the auction would have ended, it will automatically extend two hours to give a fair chance and to ensure designs aren't sniped out from under your nose!
If you’d like previews of designs, and pre-claims, certain tiers of our Pawtreon has that available for you!
[Open] April Staff Sale
Posted 1 year and 10 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 10 months ago by solarseraphim
Flatsale: PD-1001 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Event
Price: $80.00
Flatsale: PD-1002 ・ [Open]
Plush Dragons ・ Event
Price: $90.00
Good afternoon, Plushies!
April has nearly come and gone already, can you believe it? It’s the last bit of the month, so you know we have a couple of sweet Plush Dragons here to meet you!
PD-1001 - Bleeding Heart Dove - Flatsale - $80 USD by sunflowyr
PD-1002 - Brave Little Sparrow - Flatsale - $90 USD by fucal
Please comment on the corresponding comment chain to claim, thank you!
The PlushScouts Team