Welcome to the Plush Scouts website! We know there’s a lot to take in and a lot to go over, so we have this handy guide for our new users to review and refer back to as much as they’d like!
We recommend using Ctrl+f to find something specific that you’re looking for as this is quite a lengthy guide!
.: Table of Contents :.
Home Page
Home Dropdown
My Characters
My MYO Slots
Activity Dropdown
Prompt Submissions
My Reports
Design Approvals
Character Transfers
Browse Dropdown
Character Masterlist
MYO Slot Masterlist
Bug Reports
World Dropdown
World Expanded
Adoption Center
Guides Dropdown
Submissions and Rewards Guide
Terms of Service
Submit Dropdown
Submissions Guide
Username Dropdown
First things first, the navigation bar. This is the main colored bar that goes along the top of the website. I’ll be using the default theme for the website and as such it will show up in the default colors. We’ll cover changing themes later on in the guide!
There are several functions of the navigation bar, and we’ll cover them from left to right.
For standard users, the navbar can be broken into two sets of main functions: site navigation and user preferences.
This is the section covering site navigation.
- Plush Dragon Parade (home page): The far left button will take you back to the homepage of the website.
- News: This button will take you to view the news tab, including all news posts that have been made on the site.
- Sales: This button will take you to view the sales tab. This is where you’ll go to see the Plush Dragons that are currently up for sale from Peach or Orchid, or any of our guest artists.
- Home dropdown: This next button creates a drop down menu with quite a few options!
I know it looks like a lot, but I assure you it’s very simple!
The My Characters tab will take you to an area where you can view all of your characters, and drag and drop them to reorganize their order on your profile. The first four Plush Dragons on this page will display at the bottom of your user profile.
The My MYO Slots tab will take you to an area where you can view all of your MYO slots. You can click on the slots you find here to get more information on them.
The Inventory tab will take you to a page where you can view your entire inventory. This includes companions, item upgrades, and awards.
The Inventory page also has an Account Search function. Clicking this button, located in the top right corner of the above image, will take you to a page where you can search your account for specific items.
The Bank tab will take you to the page to view your bank. This is also the page where you can transfer your Buttons to another user.
The Awards tab will take you to the page where you can see all of the awards that you’ve received from participating in group activities.
5. This next button also creates a very large drop down, but we’ll go over everything in it as well!
The Activity Tab is mainly for you to view your own activity and things you’ve done!
The Prompt Submissions tab will take you into a page where you can view all of your Prompt Submissions. You can see which ones are waiting to be approved, previously approved ones, or denied submissions. You can also create submissions from this page.
Prompt submissions are for when you’ve created writing or art in direct response to one of our many prompts. Prompts must always be submitted through Prompt Submissions. There is a drop down menu in the section of the prompt submission page where you can select which prompt you are doing.
The Claims tab will take you into a page where you can view all of your Claim Submissions. You can see which ones are waiting to be approved, previously approved ones, or denied claims. You can also create claims from this page.
Anything not pertaining to an already existing prompt would be submitted as a claim. This includes but is not limited to: gift art, YCH’s, RP writing, and anything else that doesn’t fit into one of our existing prompts. If you’re ever unsure of what your submissions count as, please feel free to reach out to the staff so that we can assist you!
The My Reports tab will take you into a page where you can view all of your Reports. You can see which ones are pending, assigned, and closed. You can also create reports from this page. The most common use of reports is for bugs found on the site.
The Design Approvals tab will take you to a page where you can view design approvals. There are two tabs on this page, Drafts and Submissions. The page automatically will take you into drafts.
If you start a design approval and don’t finish it, it will be saved into your drafts page. If you submit a completed design approval, it will go into the submissions page.
The Surrenders tab is the place for you to surrender, or turn in, a Plush Dragon you no longer wish to keep so that they can be given to someone else. At the time of surrender we will also request any additional art, or the characters Toyhou.se (if applicable) to be transferred to the Plush Dragons staff. You are always compensated for surrenders, with an MYO of equal value, and any specific trait items. The surrenders tab will allow you to view pending, approved, and denied surrenders at any time.
The Crafting tab will take you into a page where you can view any recipes your character has collected. Here is where you would be able to creat a crystalline MYO egg if you have all the corresponding recipe items!
The Character Transfers tab will let you see a history of characters you have traded to other users. It will also be the area you go to when receiving a character from another user.
The Trades tab will let you view any current or previous trades you’ve made with items or currency with other users.
This page also allows creation of new trades with the button on the top right of the image above.
6. This button will create a drop down menu for you to look around and explore users and characters on the site.
The Users tab lets you view all of the users on the site as well as their online status. This can be a great way to see which staff are available if you need help! This page also allows you to view users by rank and to sort how they display.
The Character Masterlist tab lets you view all of the characters on the site. There are a lot of options here to pin down exactly what you’re looking for, so feel free to poke around and press all sorts of buttons! You can even pin down characters based off of their traits or whether their owners would like gift art or gift writing. This is a great place to go to look for characters to draw or write with!
The MYO Slot Masterlist tab lets you view all of the MYO Slots on the site. You can also look through MYO slots similarly to how you can look at characters, but please note MYO slots typically do not have traits attached until they are submitted for a design.
The Raffles tab lets you view all current and past raffles run on the site.
The Bug Reports tab is where you can go to submit a bug report, or view bug reports that have already been submitted to ensure you aren’t submitting something someone else has already found.
7. This next tab creates a drop down to explore the world of Draelvary, where the Plush Dragons come from!
The Encyclopedia tab takes you to the encyclopedia page. This page has areas where you can look through just about everything on the website from traits to items. If there’s anything you’re curious and want to know about, it’s a great place to start!
The Prompts tab will take you to our main page for prompt categories. On this page you’ll find a wide variety of categories to choose from, and within those categories are lots of prompts to explore.
To select a category, you must click the hourglass beside the category.
The World Expanded tab is just that: an expanded look at the world of Draelvary! The main page here has several maps for you to look over, and a menu to the left that breaks down various selections you can view.
The Shops tab will take you to a page of our current shops where you can use in game currency to purchase items, upgrades, and even MYO Slots.
Cut & Stitch - a store with a basic stock of basic companions, trait upgrades, and occasionally MYO slots.
Lush Plush - A fancy luxury shop that carries rare items, from potions to hard to find traits.
The Seraph Store - A store with extra special, hard to find items. These items are often Special or Seraphim tier, and require a special currency.
The Donation Shop - A shop where users can donate items they don’t need, and other users can claim them for free.
The Adoption Center tab is , but will be where players can go to see Plush Dragons that users have surrendered that are looking for a new home!
Please note that clicking this tab will bring up a 404 Error, as the page is not active.
8. The next button will display a small drop down with some important information.
The Submissions and Rewards Guide will take you to the page where you can see our guide for all submissions and rewards. Please review these thoroughly before making submissions or claims.
The Terms of Service tab will take you through the current Plush Dragons terms of service. Please review these terms of service and rules prior to interacting with the species and group. If you have any questions our staff are always available to help in our discord.
9. The next button will take you directly to the Gallery page.
This page is where you can view the gallery for art and writing of other users, and to submit art and writing yourself.
Now we’ll move over to the right side of the navbar. On the right side, you’ll find two drop down menus. Submit and your username.

- The left drop down is a shortcut for submissions.
Each of these buttons are fairly self explanatory, they will direct you to the pages for submitting prompts, claims, surrendering a Plush Dragon, or submitting a report. Here is our Submissions Guide. - The right drop down is where you can manage your user preferences.
The Profile tab is where you’ll go to view your profile. You’ll see your profile as other users see it here.
The Notifications tab is where you’ll go to view notifications. This includes prompt approvals, trades, and transfers mainly.
The Bookmarks tab is where you can go to view characters that you have bookmarked. Many users use this page to keep track of Plush Dragons they’d like to know if and when they go up for trade, as well as keeping track of friends Plush Dragons as a navigational shortcut.
The Settings tab is where you’ll go to change your personal user settings. This is where you can change your profile picture, edit your profile, add additional social media contacts, as well as select your own home and faction to display on your profile to other users. Toward the bottom of the page is your birthday display settings, email address, chosen theme, and an area to reset your password.
This is just our general guide for the site and site functions and there are other specialty guides available as listed on our Welcome Guide. If you have any further questions please reach out to the staff via discord, thank you!