Site News

[2024] July Newsletter

Posted 3 weeks and 5 days ago :: Last edited 3 weeks and 5 days ago by yuewithluv

Hi there, Plushies~ :Wave:


tumblr_m2uwl8k95Z1qbs47q.gif It's a new month and that means new (and returning) prompts and activities are now available for you on site! The summer sun is still going strong in Draelvary and to celebrate we're bring back the Beach Bash! Each prompt this month will include a special Beach Bashket, which will award you with an exclusive summer themed item when opened. 



We'd like to remind you that mod apps are still open until midnight EST tonight (July 1st) so if you'd like to join the moderation team, don't forget to submit your app! The link can be found in our announcements channel or you go there directly by clicking here.


While there are no big events this month, we do have some very special things planned for you very soon... 👀


Hope you're all having a wonderful summer!

:SSparkle: The Plush Scouts Team :SSparkle:

June Newsletter 2024

Posted 1 month and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 1 month and 3 weeks ago by ghosts

🎺Gooooood morning, Plushies!🎺


 This month marks the start of our summer season here in Draelvary, and with it comes our very first Summer Camp Expirience! There are new prompts and a few special events lined up this month, all themed around fun outdoors activities you can do together with your Plush Dragon. Make sure to pop by the prompts pages to check them out when you can - we've even brought back the activity sheets alongside our word prompts!

🎮 Speaking of special events, we'll be having a special Plush Party Game Night later this June, please make sure to grab the role in the roles channel in our discord so you don't miss the announcement, which will contain more details including the time and date!

June is a very special month for a lot of our members, and we're happy to announce that the With Love And Pride and The Gift Of Pride items are now back in stock at Cut & Stitch, with a few added surprises. Please stop by to grab yours from Paw Paw when you have a moment. We'll also be raffling off some special pride themed designs again this month, so be sure to check back for another announcement soon! Happy Pride Plushies! 

As always, we're here for you over in the help channel on discord if you need us!


The PlushScouts Team

May 2024 Newsletter

Posted 2 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 2 months and 3 weeks ago by yuewithluv

Happy May, dear plushies!

This month is a very special one - the month of may marks the 3rd anniversary of Sunnie & Seraph running the species!
As a special thank you for fostering this community we all cherish so much, we're bringing back both of their PlushScouts Paraders prompts - they come with some very fun and special rewards, so make sure to check them out! And don't forget to wish them a happy anniversary!

Besides that, we've got new and returning puzzles for you as per usual, and... wait, what is that in the distance?


Seems like all sorts of scaly creatures have been spotted all over Draelvary - soaring the sky, roaming the land and even swimming the very depths of the sea! I wonder what they could be... Maybe you should check out the new monthly prompts and have a look yourself?
And while you're at it, don't forget to take a peek at the returning prompts as well - there's lots to enjoy this month!

We'd really like to thank you all for the support you've shown the species these past three years - it means a lot to all of us in the staff team.
We hope we can continue making this a fun and comforting space to be in!

This will be all for now, but as always, if you have any questions, feel free to inquire in the #help channel and we'll assist you to the best of our abilities!

The PlushScouts Team

April 2024 Newsletter

Posted 3 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 3 months and 3 weeks ago by yuewithluv

Happy April, Plushies! 


March may be over, but spring festivities continue with brand new puzzles and prompts to enjoy, as well as the return of a few old ones!

But there's more - we have a brand new scavenger hunt prepared for you all! Saint Luce loves all things spring, and he was rather eager to help us prepare for this year's scavenger hunt - why don't you go pay him a visit and see what he has in store for you? 

We hope you have a fun time searching for goodies all over the site!

That'll be all for April, but rest assured - we are working hard to bring you more fun events and activities this year, so just hang on tight and enjoy this calmer, more easy-going month!


As always, if you have any questions, just drop by ⁠help and ask away! We are always happy to assist you!

The PlushScouts Team

March 2024 Newsletter

Posted 4 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 4 months and 3 weeks ago by yuewithluv

Happy March, Plushies! 


NPC-013: Saint Luce

Another month has come and gone, and it seems like March has brought with it the return of St. Luce, and with him, the ushering of spring - the ice slowly melts to give way for colourful blooms and lots of new little critters everywhere!

 Oh, look! Scoob has begun to stir atop her pile, and the Planetarium's doors are thawed at last, so you'll be able to meet with Scooby & Roswell again very soon, how exciting! 

There's also plenty of new, fun puzzles & monthly prompts for you to check out, as well as some returning ones, so be sure to have a look at the fun new activities we have prepared for you! Don't forget to check out our Seasonal and Paws On! prompts as well!


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Wild Trait Items, as well as the Wild Egg, have made their return to Lush Plush for springtime, so be sure to save up those buttons if you'd like some fancy wild traits for your Plush Dragons~! They'll also be available through some of the prompts, so be on the look out!
<a href=
Oh, and don’t forget to drop by Cut & Stitch for a little easter surprise!

But that's not all! We'll be bringing back our Discord Egg Drops, so make sure to keep an eye out for surprise eggs during the month of march!

We hope you all enjoy this month's activities, and as always, if you have any questions, just drop by #help and ask away! We are always happy to help~!

The PlushScouts Team

February 2024 Newsletter

Posted 5 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 5 months and 3 weeks ago by ghosts

Happy February, Plushies!


The first month of 2024 has come and gone, but that just means a new month of fun activities for you to try! February will see the return of a few old prompts, but there are plenty of new ones, too - we have our monthly puzzles, as well as brand new Valentine's themed monthly prompts, including a couple that give out items that grant a very special trait: Amalgam

This ability allows Plush Dragons who are closely bonded - whether they be family, friends or romantic partners - to fuse together into one being. It is the most powerful act two Plush Dragons can achieve, and it requires a very special bond. It is a truly one of a kind experience for a PD.

We also have a couple of new badges for completing prompts, so to all of the collectors out there, be sure to check them out!



 Saint Vela is very stoked about all the festivities, and she's looking forward to seeing all of your beautiful pieces for Vela's Valentines - which you can turn in & reveal to your partner starting on 02/14.

There's also a special little gift for all the holiday aficionados at Cut & Stitch, make sure to drop by and grab yours, for it'll only be available until the end of the month! 

❄️Unfortunately it seems like the weather has yet to let up, so Planetarium doors remain frozen - we hope Roswell is doing okay in there! - and Scooby remains in her deep slumber... But fear not, Confetti will still be at the fishing hole for Ice Fishing throughout the month of February, so you'll get to spend some quality time with her still! 🎣

Lastly, we'd like to announce our lovely SomniumSeraph will be going on maternity leave partway through February, so we ask that you please not contact her during her absence! You're free to use the #help channel in the discord for any of your questions - the rest of our moderation team will be happy to answer them for you, so please don't hesitate to reach out to the rest of us! 

We hope you'll enjoy the month's festivities, we all worked hard to make February a fun-filled month for all of you! 

The PlushScouts Team

January 2024 Newsletter

Posted 6 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 5 months and 3 weeks ago by yuewithluv

Happy New Year, Plushies!

Rollover is here and that means all prompts have switched over for the month, so be sure to check out what's new! I think there might even be something special waiting for you in Cut & Stitch to help ring in the New Year~
Brrr, is it cold in here or is just the snow still covering Draelvary? Okay, I guess it might be both! The winter season is still going strong so make sure you stay warm while exploring out there! 
It seems like the Planetarium & Scooby's Stash got hit hardest by the winter storm and seem to be frozen over! But this weather grants the perfect opportunity to go ice fishing.. All month you can visit the Ice Fishing prompt every Saturday and fish up something fun!
Friendly reminder that all Secret Santa pieces are due in by the 6th of this month! Please make sure you submit them by the deadline!
Last but not least, we'd love to take a moment to thank you! We've decorated eggs together, cursed some socks, and found some yetis - but most important of all, we got to spend a fun filled year with all of you! 2023 was great, and as sad as we are to see it go, we can't wait to welcome in 2024 with open paws!
  The Plush Scouts Team 

December 2023 Newsletter

Posted 7 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 7 months and 3 weeks ago by ghosts

Hello there, Plushies! We hope you've brought your hat and gloves, because things around here are starting to feel a little chilly..

December is here and with it comes a vast blanket of fresh fluffy snow across Draelvary. Plush Dragons everywhere can be found building snow forts, having snowball fights, and making snow dragons, and we can't wait to celebrate the season with you!


❄️ The weather change seems to have brought a frosty new friend in with the snow! Snowbuddy will be visiting from December 1st at 12:30 AM to December 25th at 11:59 PM and he's even brought some special goodies for you and your Plush Dragon. You can pay him a visit by clicking here!

❄️  PlushScout Paraders is focused on very own Fucal this month, so don't forget to stop by their prompt and show them some love!

❄️As always, we have returning prompts and brand new ones, so make sure to give them a peek when you have time!

❄️ Our shops have swapped some of their stock over, from spooky to angelic! The shopping page has also gotten a mini-makeover, please make sure to clear your cache to view the newly aligned shop headers!

❄️We are still currently experiencing issues with our Mining & Forest Foraging, but we'll be making an announcement regarding them soon!

❄️Mayor Gobble is on his way out of Cut & Stitch, but don't worry - he'll be back next year! Oh.. and it seems like he left a little something behind when he left! Might want to go check that out..

With this year coming to a close, we still have a few surprises in store for you! But we'd love to take a moment to just say thank you for making this year such a fun, exciting, and welcoming year for all of us to enjoy together. You are what makes this species special and we will be forever grateful for each and every one of you!

See ya next year, Plushies!

Warm Winter Wishes,
The Plush Scout Team 

November 2023 Newsletter

Posted 8 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 8 months and 3 weeks ago by yuewithluv

Greetings Plushies, and Happy November!

October has come to a close, and with it the bulk of our Hauntober festivities as well - but the party isn't quite over yet, as Terror Tails will continue into November! Things came up and put us a little behind schedule, but the story will continue and there will be a special prize to make up for the late updates, so hang on tight!

We hope you all enjoyed the rest of our activities, and please look forward to our last few spooky raffles over the next couple days!

As usual, with a new month comes new prompts - including new puzzles for you to try, as well as some returning prompts from last year!

This month's PlushScouts Paraders prompt has also been updated with brand new prizes, and on the spotlight this time is our lovely solarseraphim! Lets show her lots of love this month to thank her for running such a wonderful community

Mayor Gobble returns to Cut & Stitch this November, but rumor has it he's soon to have some competition... You should make sure to check our Monthly Prompts for more information!

We're also happy to announce the return of our Plush Scouts Secret Santa! You can sign up for it here!
Signs ups will run from 11/01 to 11/07! We'll be assigning the pairs no later than 11/11, so everyone should have plenty of time to complete their pieces! You'll be allowed to turn them in as early as 12/23, but the final deadline is 01/06/2024!

Finally, Plush Parties will be put on pause for the month of November, but we hope to bring them back soon - we hope you'll join us when they make their comeback!

That is all for November, but keep your eyes peeled for more fun things to come next month! And as always, if you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them in the help channel on our Discord server!

The Plush Scouts Team

October 2023 Newsletter

Posted 9 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 9 months and 3 weeks ago by ghosts
Good evening, Plushies! Monthly roll over has floated its way through, and things around Draelvary are starting to get.. well, a little weird

This month is all about the spooky, creepy, and crawly things that make Halloween such a hauntingly fun time. We have some extra special events planned for you, so pull up a scare... sorry, I mean.. chair, and catch up on the latest news!

It seems like a Spooktacular Scavenger Hunt has popped up in town, and your Plush Dragon is practically falling off their broomstick to get to the first clue! It seems to be hidden somewhere in this news post... do you think you can find it? 
Don't forget your costume! Stop by Sybil's shop all of October to pick up your very own Costume Trunk, which grants a creative new trait that allows your Plush Dragon to dress up to their heart's content!

PlushScout Paraders
has been updated for the month and the spooklight is on our very own ghosts! Make sure to stop by the prompt and see what creatures she has featured, as well as the strange new box awaiting you if you finish the prompt!
Trick-or-Treating is such a fun event and all of the Plush Dragons in Draelvary just can't contain their excitement. So instead of limiting all that fun to just one night, they've decided to extend it - for the entire month! Make sure to stop by the Trick-or-Treating advent calendar every day in October for a boo-nique prize. Click here to visit!
  Oh, it seems like a rather interesting Plush Dragon has been looking for you! They say she can turn her head into a jack-o-lantern at will! You should go find her!
Plush Parties are in full swing this month, with some double (and even a triple!) movie night each weekend throughout the month of October. Make sure to refer back to the calendar attached to this announcement so you don't miss any frightful features!
A special Choose Your Own Adventure Discord event will start on October 3rd, where we write the story but YOU get to choose how it all plays out! We'll be posting chapters in the Terror Tails channel and users will be given a set amount of time to vote by reacting to the post with special emojis - and even given a prize based off the winning paths!  
Some creatures have reported sights of strange mechanical looking Plush Dragons wandering around... 
Introducing the Animatronic trait! These Plush Dragons are a little different than your average ones! The inside of them has a metal structure that they use to move, and their movements are stilted and not as smooth as others. Don’t fret, these Plush Dragons can still be soft and squishy like their peers, but there are just little things about them that make them feel a little.. different?
While we know there is a lot happening this month - there's even more we have planned! We have a few raffles that will happen towards the end of the month, so please make sure to stop by the roles channel in the Discord to grab the raffles role if you haven't done so already. We promise the raffles will be fangtastic!
As always, we're here for you in the help Discord channel if you need us. We hope you have a devilishly great Halloween season if you celebrate, and a cozy season of comfort if you don't!

Clicking this image will send you to a download for the full size resolution of the October Calendar!

The Plush Scouts Team