Submission (#3244) Approved

17 September 2022, 18:15:10 EDT (2 years ago)
17 September 2022, 19:06:44 EDT (2 years ago) by GoopyHalos


Pixie spent the afternoon making sugar cookies covered with rainbow dot sprinkles, after they had baked she let them cool off a little so they wouldn’t burn anyones mouth. She then placed them on a plate and happily made her way to Scooby’s place. But when she got there the plushdragon she came to see was sleeping peacefully on her stash pile.

She smiled and let out a small sigh, she walked over to her and whispered “hey Scooby I came to drop of a snack but I’ll let you sleep. I hope you enjoy the cookie when you wake up” she then placed the plate next to her.


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for PD-333: Pixie

PD-333: Pixie

Reward Amount


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Fairixia's Bank

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