Explorer’s Guild


Can be joined by both users and characters.

Welcome to the Explorer’s Guild!

This guild, lead by Scoutmaster Confetti, is all about exploring Draelvary and seeing what it has to offer!

Draelvary has a very varied and mixed ecosystem, and lots of cool places to visit and discover. By picking up one of the available classes within the guild, your Plush Dragon will be given various quests and tasks that end up taking them all over!

Right now the Bard class is the only class available to the Explorer’s Guild, but keep your eyes and ears peeled for when the Archer and Catalyst classes and their associated quest lines are announced!

The Explorer’s Guild is lead by Confetti. As the Plush Dragon who travels all over Draelvary more than anyone else, it seemed only fitting amongst the other Scoutmasters that Confetti lead this guild! Confetti has a friendly and excitable disposition, but she can get serious when there’s an important task at paw to be taken care of!

You’ll often find her helping others prepare for long journeys, or even joining expeditions and travel trips herself!

Associated Location

Island: The Archer’s Isle

Faction Ranks



Member Ranks

Bard (0 Points)

Members: 41 ・ See All