Fighter’s Guild


Can be joined by both users and characters.

Welcome to the Fighter’s Guild!

This guild, lead by Scoutmaster Big Blue, is all about Plush Dragons who want to get stronger!

There’s powerful potential in everydragon, and Big Blue wants to see you use it! The Fighter’s Guild isn’t all brute strength, but it’s about justice and integrity, too! Blue wants his guild members to toughen up and get strong so they can stand up for those who aren’t able to! He wants every single Plush Dragon who comes to sit in his great hall to know that this guild is a place of safety for anydragon who comes and goes within!

Right now the only class available is the Paladin class, but keep your eyes and ears out for when the Rogue and Barbarian classes are announced!

Big Blue was chosen as Scoutmaster here due to his experiences in battle, and also his kindness and strong sense of always doing what’s right! Along with his companion, Peep, he’s doing everything he can to get his old guild up and running again.

The Fighter’s Guild was the very first guild in Draelvary, but in recent years had fallen apart due to a lack of Plush Dragons wanting to learn sharp skills for battles that felt long past. Things are active once again, and it seems Blue couldn’t be more proud to see his home returning to the activity it once held!

Associated Location

Landmark: Valley Of Storms

Faction Ranks



Members: 17 ・ See All