Vocalization Update

Posted 2 years and 10 months ago :: Last edited 2 years and 10 months ago by solarseraphim

Long ago, when the Seraphim first awoke to the sight of Draelvary, and discovered the creatures that had come to life during their slumber, the pair had attempted to communicate with the Plush Dragons around them with much difficulty. It seemed that the language the Seraphim spoke, and the language spoken by Plush Dragons as a whole, were entirely different.

Eventually, the Seraphim learned the new language of the Plush Dragons around them and although it was a bit of a difficult learning curve, they soon began to almost exclusively use the language the Plush Dragons had helped them to learn.

Few Plush Dragons can still recall the old language of the Seraphim, and even fewer can still speak it! Those who can often pass it on to their family members, and the Seraphim continue to speak it to just one another. Some think it is a magnificent gift that has been passed down, while others believe the old language is a curse, and fear the past will rear it’s ugly head once again.

For a very long time, Vocalization has been an exclusive trait to Plush Dragons of the cherub subtype only. In our recent discussions amongst staff, we’ve decided together that it truly makes no sense for Plush Dragons not to be able to speak amongst each other, or to their “owners” (should they have one).

As of today, Plush Dragons as a whole will be able to speak. Vocalization has been updated to Vetus Lingua, meaning old language, and is now of Seraphim rarity. Plush Dragons who previously had vocalization now have this trait, meaning they can speak the old language of the Seraphim!

Additionally, to try to cover our bases, we’ve added the Cherub Tier Mimicry trait. This trait allows Plush Dragons to mimic sounds they hear that aren’t conversational, like animal noises and imitating music boxes and other devices!

We look forward to seeing some very chatty Plush Dragons with this change!

As always we’re here in #help in the discord if you need us!

Thank you!

The PlushScouts Team


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