February News Letter
Posted 2 years and 4 days ago :: Last edited 2 years and 4 days ago by solarseraphimHappy February, Plushies!
It’s hard to believe January went by so darn fast, but here we are! As usual, we have a fun set up of new monthly puzzle prompts for you to poke around and explore for some fun goodies! 💖
And since it’s February once again, that means Vela’s Valentines will be returning! So stay tuned for an announcement all about it later today!
It is still a chilly winter in Draelvary, but spring is almost here! If you’re trying to get any of the benefits or rewards from our winter prompts *February is the last month you’ll be able to them until next winter*! On top of this, please remember Cherub Traits go out of stock when Winter ends as well, so February will be the last time you see them for quite a while!
We have some rather *love*ly prompts returning this month as well, so your Plush Dragon can show their appreciation to their special someone! We encourage you to stop by and check it out!
Our announcement is a little short this month, but trust us that we can feel something rumbling about for when spring comes.. we hope you’ll be as excited to see as we’ll be to share!
The PlushScouts Team