All Prompts

The Best of Friends

Category: General Quests

Show your Plush Dragon hanging out with a friend! Make sure this is a Plush Dragon not owned by you and you have permission to draw!


It’s always good to spend time with others. Building bonds with other can bring one such joy and its the same for your plush dragon!

Draw or write about your Plush Dragon hanging out with a bud and let us know what they do and who they love to spend their time with! 


Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD
-significant companion or mount interaction - +2 buttons per companion or mount

Art Requirments:
-Minimum one full-body 

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions & mounts - +2 buttons per companion or mount
-complex background- +5 buttons (3 object depth requirement not including ground/sky/walls/ect)


Reward Amount
Buttons 5
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