All Prompts

Paladin Part 7: Showing Compassion

Category: Class Quests


Now that the basics have been learned, it’s time for your Plush Dragon to learn compassion! This is a huge step in becoming a Paladin! Depict your Plush Dragon helping others during a surprise fight! Are they seeing if they need medical attention or are they protecting them and fending off other fighters?

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2

Paladin Part 8: Beginning of a Lifetime

Category: Class Quests


Your Plush Dragon has made it to the end of their training! It is now time for their final test before the big showdown. Are they fumbling, then recovering themselves, or are they performing everything flawlessly? Depict your Plush Dragon showing Big Blue all of their learned skills!

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2

Paladin Part 9: Champions Ring

Category: Class Quests


Your Plush Dragon must now go up against current Paladins! Depict your Plush Dragon winning the friendly battle against another member. (You may seek another users' Paladin PD to use, or use a shadow figure as the other Paladin if drawing.)

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2

Paladin Part 10: Guardian's Blessing

Category: Class Quests


Your Plush Dragon has proved to everyone that they are worthy of becoming a Paladin. They’ve even caught the eye of Solemn and Somber! Depict your Plush Dragon meeting the two Guardian’s, and receiving their ultimate gift!

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2
Seraphim's Enchantment 1

Sorcerer Part 1: It's Magic

Category: Class Quests

Your Plush Dragon has always had a knack for something just out of reach, an extra sense for something they can’t see!


Your Plush Dragon has always had a knack for something just out of reach, an extra sense for something they can’t see! Their paws tingle with something they can’t identify, but they know of a Plush Dragon who should be able to help! Time to find Sybil, she should be at the Magician’s Guild or manning her shop!

Depict your Plush Dragon discovering their magic! Are they doing some sort of mundane task when they swear they saw something they can't explain? Maybe they've seeked out Sybil to ask her what's happening? Maybe they pretend nothings changed and it'll just go away?

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2

Sorcerer Part 2: Behold the Basics

Category: Class Quests

Now that your Plush Dragon knows for certain it’s magic that courses through their stitching and paws, it’s time to learn!


Now that your Plush Dragon knows for certain it’s magic that courses through their stitching and paws, it’s time to learn! Sybil has tasked your Plush Dragon to learn to levitate objects, a basic but very useful type of magic. How will your Plush Dragon fair?

Depict your Plush Dragon learning the basics of item levitation! Are they out practicing magic under someone's supervision? Maybe they're more of a bookworm, preferring to read up on all they can?  Maybe levitation comes easily and its a no brainer!

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2

Bard Part 4: A Song Adrift

Category: Class Quests


Aquatic Plush Dragons have an undersea city that they call home. Non-Aquatic Plush Dragon’s are always more than welcome to visit, and the instruments in Tidal Reef are apparently very different from anywhere else in Draelvary. Do any of these instruments call out to your Plush Dragon? Are they fascinated by the music the sea has to offer? 

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2

Sorcerer Part 4: Big or Small

Category: Class Quests

Did you know some Plush Dragons use their magic to make things bigger or smaller?


Did you know some Plush Dragons use their magic to make things bigger or smaller? Maybe you’ve received clothes that didn’t quite fit? This is a sure way to fix that! Permanently adjusting something size takes an awful lot of patience and focus, do you think your Plush Dragon is ready to take up the task?

Depict your Plush Dragon changing an items size! Maybe they have a favorite garment they've outgrown that they'd like to be able to wear again? Maybe they just want to be able to read a cookbook from across the kitchen so they size it up? Maybe they want a bigger bed to get comfy in! 

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2

Sorcerer Part 5: Enchantment

Category: Class Quests

Have you ever seen a Plush Dragon in the middle of winter with nothing but a scarf and being perfectly warm?


Have you ever seen a Plush Dragon in the middle of winter with nothing but a scarf and being perfectly warm? It sounds like that garment had an enchantment! Enchantments are extra magical properties that Sorcerers like your Plush Dragon can achieve! Whether it’s so make something warm or extra soft, or maybe even enchanted to never fray, there’s always something magical to be added! What will your Plush Dragon add?

Depict your Plush Dragon adding an enchantment to a garment! Maybe they have a pair of gloves they don't want to come apart? Or maybe a set of overalls they don't ever want getting muddy when they're gardening? Maybe they want a hat that always keeps their head feeling nice and cool! 

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2

Sorcerer Part 6: Over Your Head

Category: Class Quests

“Don’t get ahead of yourself!” 


“Don’t get ahead of yourself!”  It’s something Sybil has instructed since day one. But sometimes we can get excited, and just plain in over our head! It looks like your Plush Dragon has taken on too much at once, and their magic isn’t sustaining! What a mess it seems to have created.. What was your Plush Dragon up to, anyway?

Depict your Plush Dragon going in over their head! Maybe they were trying to cut corners with a spell? Maybe they had too much on their plate and they couldn't focus? Perhaps this spell was more advanced than they were ready for! 

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2

Sorcerer Part 7: Back to the Books

Category: Class Quests

Patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to magic.


Patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to magic. Sybil encourages your Plush Dragon to never give up, and to take things slow. Draelvary wasn’t built in a day, after all! Take your time and relax a little! There is always time! What sort of studies does your Plush Dragon need to work on?

Depict your Plush Dragon practicing patience and taking their time! Maybe they want to study up some more before they take the next dive into casting magic again?  Maybe they need a break from being inside of the guild all day and they want a break outside? Maybe they're getting someone elses point of view on what they did wrong? 

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2

Sorcerer Part 8: Try Again

Category: Class Quests

Now that your Plush Dragon is more prepared, they’re ready to try again.


Now that your Plush Dragon is more prepared, they’re ready to try again. The last time they tried this, it was a big mess! But now they know better, and they have better control. Do you think your Plush Dragon will have more success this time?

Depict your Plush Dragon giving it another try! No spell is impossible! Maybe your Plush Dragon was too nervous to be successful the first time? Maybe they were tired and unfocused? Maybe they just doubted their own skills?

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2

Sorcerer Part 9: Magical Clothes

Category: Class Quests

Magic sewn into each and every "stitch"!


Magic sewn into each and every "stitch"! It’s not the same as enchanted garments, because these items are completely made of magic! Instead of normal thread, Sybil teaches your Plush Dragon to work with their own inner magic, coaxing it into a solid form. Using their own magic they can create something truly amazing that will be just for them! What will your Plush Dragon choose to make?

Depict your Plush Dragon using their magic in tangible form to create an item just for them! Magical thread is, well, magical! It could be any kind of item, from a hat or a coat, to a wand or something even more magical! Anything is possible! 

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2

Sorcerer Part 10: A Show of Skills

Category: Class Quests

Today’s the day!


Today’s the day! You’ve completed all of your practice and learning and Sybil would like you to show her your very favorite spells and incantations you’ve learned. Now’s the time to break out those absolute show stopper tricks! What will your Plush Dragon show off?

Depict your Plush Dragon in their final lesson! What spell do they choose to show Sybil? Are they showing her how easily they can do lots of things at once? Is there maybe just one thing they think they're the best at that they'd like to show her? Maybe they don't know until it's time, and it comes to them naturally!

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2
The Seraphim’s Blessing 1

Bard Part 9: Sky and Stars

Category: Class Quests


Just about every Plush Dragon knows who Roswell is. He lives high up in his Planetarium, head among the stars. When your Plush Dragon arrives at the Planetarium, they sit and have a long chat with Roswell, feeling the pluck of inspiration strike as they wander out to watch the skies as Roswell continues his research. What music do the stars inspire for your Plush Dragon? Is it a soft and somber melody, or perhaps a loud and exciting song? 

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2

Bard Part 8: The Sky’s The Limit

Category: Class Quests


Mountains can be treacherous to any explorer who isn’t careful and knows where they’re headed. But up near the peak of Mt. Nevicata, there lies an ancient pavilion that many musicians make a pilgrimage to, to offer their thanks and to meditate in a place some say where music itself originated in Draelvary! How does your Plush Dragon fare on the trek to the pavilion? Is it a long, perilous journey, or do they perhaps have a guide who helps them to get there safely? 

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2

Bard Part 7: In A Valley Of Storms

Category: Class Quests


The Valley Of Storms is one of the most dangerous places across Draelvary. Always with a thunderstorm going through the area, many Plush Dragons tend to avoid this dangerous place. There’s something out there, something calling out. Will your Plush Dragon venture in and answer the call? Or will they stay back and try to see what music the edges of the valley can present?

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2

Bard Part 6: Floral Fever

Category: Class Quests


The creatures of the forests play to a tune all their own, but it seems the forests themselves also play a tune. A dashing crescendo through the trees, does your Plush Dragon feel the music? Do they spend their time listening to the music of the plants? The animals? Perhaps something else altogether? 

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
Seraphim Buttons 2

Bard Part 10: Final Performance

Category: Class Quests


All life in Draelvary is precious. The Seraphim protect all life in Draelvary, from the biggest Plush Dragon’s to the tiniest companions, no life is not precious in their eyes. Through your Plush Dragon’s experiences as a bard with The Explorer’s Guild, they have been tasked to write and perform a ballad about life. Is it a story of their own life and journey to get here, or perhaps a story about the life of another Plush Dragon? 

Writing Requirements:
-Minimum of 1 character
-Word count: 250-500; bonuses up to 1500 

Bonus Buttons:
-significant character interactions (NPCs or other users Plush Dragons. Limit 5) - +5 buttons per any extra PD 
-significant companion interaction - +2 buttons per companion

Art Requirements: 
-Minimum one full-body
-Detailed Background (at least 3 elements in the background, like clouds, birds, plants or trees.)

Bonus Buttons:
-other users PDs - +5 buttons per any extra PD (not including NPCs. Limit 5.)
-companions - +2 buttons per companion



Reward Amount
Buttons 15
Faction Points 1
The Seraphim’s Blessing 1
Seraphim Buttons 2
79 results found.