
<a href=" Scientoad Companion" class="display-item">Mad Scientoad Companion</a>

Mad Scientoad Companion

Category: Companions

Some say this little buddy was once a normal scientist, but he saw something that turned him absolutely green with fright!

<a href=" Deerest Companion" class="display-item">Mummy Deerest Companion</a>

Mummy Deerest Companion

Category: Companions

It's hard to keep this companion under wraps - your Plush Dragon just wants to show them off everywhere they go!

<a href=" Confetti Doll" class="display-item">Creepy Confetti Doll</a>

Creepy Confetti Doll

Category: Companions

There is something unsettling about this replica of Confetti, but you can't quite put your finger on it...
Give it to your Plush Dragon and it'll grant them one Haunted Trait!

<a href=" Companion" class="display-item">Grrrraaains Companion</a>

Grrrraaains Companion

Category: Companions

If you hear some groaning coming from the crop fields, don't be alarmed! This undead companion is a vegetarian - no brains for them, no sir! They'll grant the Frankenfabric trait in exchange for some wheat, now nice!

<a href=" Companion" class="display-item">Meowloween Companion</a>

Meowloween Companion

Category: Companions

This aloof feline companion always seems to be grooming their gorgeous sparkly fur.
Befriending them takes some patience, but your Plush Dragon can surely do it!

<a href=" Companion" class="display-item">Owloween Companion</a>

Owloween Companion

Category: Companions

Oh, what a colourful friend! This owl companion is always ready to celebrate Hauntober.
Seems like they'll grant your Plush Dragon the ability to roate their head 360 degrees! Careful not to pull a muscle!

<a href=" Spider Companion" class="display-item">Scary Spider Companion</a>

Scary Spider Companion

Category: Companions

This spider may be scary looking, but they're surprisingly friendly when handled correctly.
Grants your Plush Dragon the Clumsy trait! Hopefully they'll adjust to the extra limbs soon enough.

<a href=" Companion" class="display-item">Ghoulfriends Companion</a>

Ghoulfriends Companion

Category: Companions

These spooky friends are absolutely inseparable, and quite the tricksters, too!
It seems like they're quite eager for your Plush Dragon to join the friend group!

<a href=" Companion" class="display-item">Howl-o-Weenie Companion</a>

Howl-o-Weenie Companion

Category: Companions

Awoooo! This little weeiner dog seems to think they're a wolf, so they come out to howl at the moon every night!
If given to your Plush Dragon, they'll grant them the Mimicry trait - now they can howl at the moon together!

<a href=" Devil Companion" class="display-item">Delightful Devil Companion</a>

Delightful Devil Companion

Category: Companions

If you ever hear the sound of snickering and feel like you're being followed, this mischevous little friend might be the culprit!
Don't worry though, he's harmless! He'll even grant your Plush Dragon with a Devil Tail of their own to prove it.

<a href=" Catuccino" class="display-item">Slimey Catuccino</a>

Slimey Catuccino

Category: Companions

Careful not to spill!

Giving this companion to your Plush Dragon makes their fabric feel slimey!

<a href="'s Brew Pupaccino" class="display-item">Witch's Brew Pupaccino</a>

Witch's Brew Pupaccino

Category: Companions

Careful not to spill!

Giving this companion to your Plush Dragon makes their fabric smell like candy!

<a href=" (Boobery)" class="display-item">Mewocaron (Boobery)</a>

Mewocaron (Boobery)

Category: Companions

A sweet treat! Please don't let your Plush Dragon try to eat it.

Giving this companion to your Plush Dragon gives them berry scented fabric!

<a href=" Spellbook Companion" class="display-item">Spooktacular Spellbook Companion</a>

Spooktacular Spellbook Companion

Category: Companions

While this may not look like your average companion, something about this spell book makes it feel like you've known it fur-ever!

Giving this item to your Plush Dragon will grant them one (1) Haunted Trait!

<a href="" class="display-item">Cat-o-Lantern</a>


Category: Companions

A Haunted type companion who can give your Plush Dragon glowing mouth and eyes!

<a href=" Bird Companions" class="display-item">Gourd Bird Companions</a>

Gourd Bird Companions

Category: Companions


This little trio of gourd birds was only available with the original sale of the Goose That Laid the Golden Egg Plush Dragon in October 2023!

<a href=" Tomayorto Companion" class="display-item">Candidate Tomayorto Companion</a>

Candidate Tomayorto Companion

Category: Companions

Candidate Tomayorto is here to represent their fellow vegetables!
Mayor Gobble has run unchallanged for far too long!

<a href=" Wisps" class="display-item">Flame Wisps</a>

Flame Wisps

Category: Companions

It might not look like it, but these wisps make for wonderful companions!  They'll keep your Plush Dragon warm when the weather gets chilly, and they'll even grant them the ability to conjure and manipulate small flames of their own!

This companion is an exclusive reward for completing the special edition of PDOTM for the month of November, dedicated to our lovely solarseraphim!

<a href=" Companions" class="display-item">Moth Companions</a>

Moth Companions

Category: Companions

What fuzzy little critters... maybe your Plush Dragon can befriend them and give them a warm place to rest!
It seems like they'll grant them a pair of Insect Wings, too!

This companion is an exclusive reward for completing the special edition of PDOTM for the month of November, dedicated to our lovely solarseraphim!

<a href=" Gobbler Companion" class="display-item">Grainy Gobbler Companion</a>

Grainy Gobbler Companion

Category: Companions


This lovely turkey companion was only available with the original sale of the Pony Pie Plush Dragon in our "Friendsgiving Feast" November 2023 sale!

556 results found.