
<a href=" Popper" class="display-item">Party Popper</a>

Party Popper

Category: Trait Upgrades

+ Upgrade
This item automatically upgrades your slot to the next rarity! Cannot exceed Alien rarity. 

<a href="" class="display-item">Popsicle</a>


Category: Trait Upgrades

Feeding this item to your Plush Dragon will grant them the Cold To The Touch ability!

<a href=", Shaped Pawpads" class="display-item">Scaly, Shaped Pawpads</a>

Scaly, Shaped Pawpads

Category: Trait Upgrades

These should give your plush dragon a little more traction when on rocky beaches and slick wet stones -- and they're waterproof!

Giving this to your Plush Dragon can grant them scale-covered Pawpads of any shape!

<a href=" Potion" class="display-item">Starfire Potion</a>

Starfire Potion

Category: Trait Upgrades

No one is entirely sure where this potion came from, as it just sort of, well, appeared one day. Many say it's old as time itself, while others... they just aren't sure. All anyone knows for certain is that if you drink this strange mixture, your body will be engulfed in the sun and moon itself.

Drinking this potion will grant your Plush Dragon a trail of stars and sun flares to trail along behind them as they walk. It also drapes anyone in direct contact of the Plush Dragon with warmth, creating a calm and loving effect for many hours, even after they have left the area surrounding the Plush Dragon.

<a href=" Path" class="display-item">Wilted Path</a>

Wilted Path

Category: Trait Upgrades

This item grants your Plush Dragon the Wilted Path Trait!

<a href=" Tail" class="display-item">Aquatic Tail</a>

Aquatic Tail

Category: Trait Upgrades

This item is an automatic upgrade your plush dragon picked up while swimming - looks like they're going to be hanging out in the water a lot more!

Grants your Plush Dragon an Aquatic Tail fit for swimming. Very cool!

<a href=" Upgrade" class="display-item">+ Upgrade</a>

+ Upgrade

Category: Trait Upgrades

+ Upgrade
This item automatically upgrades your slot to the next rarity! Cannot exceed Alien rarity. 

<a href=" Pawpads" class="display-item">Floral Pawpads</a>

Floral Pawpads

Category: Trait Upgrades

Floral Pawpads (can be any type of flower + color!)
Type: Mythical
Thanks to your plush dragon being a little over-excited, they now have a fun set of pawpads to run around on! 

Obtained via Garden Party MYO Event | May 2017

<a href=" Bonum Scroll" class="display-item">Flora Bonum Scroll</a>

Flora Bonum Scroll

Category: Trait Upgrades

An old scroll containing a blessing that will cause plant life to grow rapidly or even come back to life with just one touch!

Seems like your Plush Dragon has been bestowed the Bloom Boon trait!

<a href=" Donuts" class="display-item">Delicious Donuts</a>

Delicious Donuts

Category: Trait Upgrades

These donuts look postivitely mouth-watering! It seems like eating them will grant your Plush Dragon with food-themed Scented Fabric!

Awarded for the completion of the Dash for Donuts Flash Prompt!

<a href=" Pop" class="display-item">Vampire Pop</a>

Vampire Pop

Category: Trait Upgrades

A treat that gives your Plush Dragon sharp fangs and big batty wings, which can even be transparent!

<a href=" Scale" class="display-item">Tidal Scale</a>

Tidal Scale

Category: Trait Upgrades

The scale grown in by Aquatic Plush Dragons. This delicate scale allows Plush Dragons the ability to transform back and forth from a finned, sully aquatic form back to their semi-aquatic form! How neat!

<a href=" Inpensam" class="display-item">Sidereum Inpensam</a>

Sidereum Inpensam

Category: Trait Upgrades

A little baggie full of some really special stuffing, just for you! This item will grant your Plush Dragon the Starry Stuffing trait!

<a href=" Heart Paw Pads" class="display-item">Glittery Heart Paw Pads</a>

Glittery Heart Paw Pads

Category: Trait Upgrades

Glittery Heart Paw Pads

Only obtainable via Valentine's Day 2016 MYO Event

<a href=" Anniversary Cake" class="display-item">First Anniversary Cake</a>

First Anniversary Cake

Category: Trait Upgrades

Feeding this item to your Plush Dragon will give it a freshly baked cake scent!

<a href=" Cutis Potion" class="display-item">Nova Cutis Potion</a>

Nova Cutis Potion

Category: Trait Upgrades

Drinking this swirlingg concotion will grant your Plush Dragon the Chameleon Shift trait! Now they can blend in wherever they go!

<a href=" Seeds" class="display-item">Special Seeds</a>

Special Seeds

Category: Trait Upgrades

These are definitely not ordinary seeds! Seems like feeding them to your Plush Dragon will grant them the Seedy Ears trait!

<a href=" Flower" class="display-item">Floreatis Flower</a>

Floreatis Flower

Category: Trait Upgrades

What an unusual flower! Each petal is a different colour, wow!

This item will grant your Plush Dragon with wings made out of plants/petals!

<a href=" Fur Upgrade" class="display-item">Floral Fur Upgrade</a>

Floral Fur Upgrade

Category: Trait Upgrades

Floral Fur Upgrade
Type: Upgrade

That frog's kiss gave your plush dragon the ability to grow flowers out of its body! This ability automatically upgrades your MYO slot to the Rare type!
Let's hope you have something at home that can unstick a very long kiss 💋

Obtained via Find Prince Charming MYO Event | March 2018

<a href=" Aqua Tail" class="display-item">Shiny Aqua Tail</a>

Shiny Aqua Tail

Category: Trait Upgrades

Shiny Aqua Tail
Type: Rare
(You can change this upgrade's pattern and color!)

Oh shoot! That tadpole just gave your plush dragon a fun new upgrade - I hope you can afford swimming lessons!

Obtained via Find Prince Charming MYO Event | March 2018

1455 results found.