Cherub Trait Item
Category: Trait Upgrades
An item that grants one Cherub trait!
Available from December to February, Draelvary's Winter season!
Haunted Trait Item
Category: Trait Upgrades
An item that grants one Haunted trait! Available during Hauntober and Fall!
Art by Toadhops
The Seraphim’s Blessing
Category: Trait Upgrades
An incredibly rare item, only given out by Solemn and Somber themselves to Plush Dragons who have done something courageous and selfless. Allows one Seraphim trait.
Aquatic Tail
Category: Trait Upgrades
This item is an automatic upgrade your plush dragon picked up while swimming - looks like they're going to be hanging out in the water a lot more!
Grants your Plush Dragon an Aquatic Tail fit for swimming. Very cool!
Fire Teeth + Tongue
Category: Trait Upgrades
Fire Teeth + Tongue
Type: Alien
Obtained via Beat the Heat MYO Event | August 2017
Scaly, Shaped Pawpads
Category: Trait Upgrades
These should give your plush dragon a little more traction when on rocky beaches and slick wet stones -- and they're waterproof!
Giving this to your Plush Dragon can grant them scale-covered Pawpads of any shape!
Aqua Corpus Potion
Category: Trait Upgrades
Drinking this refreshing concotion will turn your Plush Dragon's entire body into water! Now they can be one with the waves at last!
Icy Teeth + Tongue
Category: Trait Upgrades
Icy Teeth + Tongue
Type: Alien
Obtained via Beat the Heat MYO Event | August 2017
+ Upgrade
Category: Trait Upgrades
+ Upgrade
This item automatically upgrades your slot to the next rarity! Cannot exceed Alien rarity.