[2024] September Newsletter

Posted 6 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 6 months and 4 weeks ago by yuewithluv

Howdy, Plushies! Happy September to you all!


August has come to a close, and with it have gone the final whispers of summer. Yes, it is official - Fall has come to Draelvary at long last, which of course means the return of the Haunted Egg & Trait Items, which you can pick up at Lush Plush, as well as themed seasonal prompts.


You'll of course see new & returning monthly prompts as well, puzzles included! We hope you all have a lot of fun with them this month as well! 

There's only a few days left to enter our ongoing contest - help us bring Confetti home by designing a new NPC! You have until 09/05 to submit your design! Once submissions are closed, voting will be set up and run for a week, after which the winner will be announced - so keep an eye out for further info! You can find out more about the contest here!


Rumour has it that Confetti had a Scavenger Hunt planned for this month, too, but she's still nowhere to be found... Hopefully she'll be able to tell us more about it when she's back...

Other than that, we hope you have a lovely start of the season! As always, if you have any inquiries feel free to use our #help channel. We'll assist you to the best of our abilities!

:SSparkle: The Plush Scouts Team :SSparkle: 


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